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Bus ROSALIA INDAH From Palembang To Wonogiri


Bus Route:

Operator Details

[No Data]
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Estimated Price
Rp 515K-669K
(Tarif Terjauh)
(Schedule from Palembang )

- Banyuasin - KM.18, Jl.Raya Palembang-Betung Km 18, Sukomoro Banyuasin
- Indralaya, JL.Raya Palembang -Prabumulih Km 31 Indralaya
- Karya jaya , Terminal Karyajaya No. 17 Palembang
- Kayu Agung, Jl. Baru Lintas Timur No 097 Kayu Agung
- KM. 11, Jl.Sultan Mahmud Badarudin II Km11 Palembang
- KM. 12, Terminal Km 12 Palembang
- KM. 15 PALEMBANG, JL.Raya Palembang -Betung Km 15 Palembang Fax 0711-432362
- KM. 18, JL. Palembang- Betung Km 18
- Kol. atmo, jl kol admo
- Banyuasin - KM.18: , 0815 6770 6950
- Indralaya: , 0815 6770 6954
- Karya jaya : , 0813 6847 0640
- Kayu Agung: , 081 2788 21111
- KM. 11: , 0815 6770 6948
- KM. 12: ( 0711 ) 367 737, 0815 6770 6947
- KM. 15 PALEMBANG: , 0815 6770 6953
- KM. 18: , 0813 6820 2056
- Kol. atmo: , 081350582100
- Kolonel Admo : 0813 5058 2100,
- Lubuk Seberuk: , 081373909132
- Mesuji Oki: , 0815 6770 6955
- Musi 2: , 0813 6773 0714
- Palembang : ( 0711 ) 432 362, 0815 6770 6909
- Plaju: , 0853 7756 2377
- Poligon: , 0815 6770 6953
- Simpang musi : , 0815 6770 6951
- Tanjung api api: ( 0711 ) 411 689, 0815 6770 6949

Question / Answer

How long does it take from Palembang to Wonogiri using the bus ROSALIA INDAH ?
  • [No Data]
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How far is the distance from Palembang to Wonogiri?

How do I buy a ticket for ROSALIA INDAH bus from Palembang bus to Wonogiri?
  • Tickets can be purchased: at the station or agent

What is the phone number of the ROSALIA INDAH bus agent that routes Palembang to Wonogiri?
  • - Banyuasin - KM.18: , 0815 6770 6950
    - Indralaya: , 0815 6770 6954
    - Karya jaya : , 0813 6847 0640
    - Kayu Agung: , 081 2788 21111
    - KM. 11: , 0815 6770 6948
    - KM. 12: ( 0711 ) 367 737, 0815 6770 6947
    - KM. 15 PALEMBANG: , 0815 6770 6953
    - KM. 18: , 0813 6820 2056
    - Kol. atmo: , 081350582100
    - Kolonel Admo : 0813 5058 2100,
    - Lubuk Seberuk: , 081373909132
    - Mesuji Oki: , 0815 6770 6955
    - Musi 2: , 0813 6773 0714
    - Palembang : ( 0711 ) 432 362, 0815 6770 6909
    - Plaju: , 0853 7756 2377
    - Poligon: , 0815 6770 6953
    - Simpang musi : , 0815 6770 6951
    - Tanjung api api: ( 0711 ) 411 689, 0815 6770 6949

Does the ROSALIA INDAH bus that costs Palembang to Wonogiri have a cooler / AC?
  • Yes

Does the ROSALIA INDAH bus from Palembang to Wonogiri have a Toilet?

Does the ROSALIA INDAH bus that costs Palembang to Wonogiri provide a meal service?
  • Yes

At what time does the morning / early bus departure from Palembang to Wonogiri?
  • 10:00
    (Schedule from Palembang )

At what time is the most nightly departure of the bus ROSALIA INDAH from Palembang bus to Wonogiri?
  • 10:00
    (Schedule from Palembang )

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